Cut-off dates cannot be extended. If you fail the application/enrolment deadline, the application/enrolment will be denied. In case of enrolment in a restricted degree programme, your admission will ...
Researching responsibly at the University of Münster means complying with ethical and scientific standards and assuming social responsibility for one's actions. This includes following the rules of ...
"Emerging fields" bundle innovative areas that demonstrate disciplinary strength and collaborative ambition, and which have the potential to shape the future profile of the University. This emerging ...
The excursion group from Münster arrived safely in Belo Horizonte and was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Ricardo Solar at the airport in Confins. The group of German and Brazilian students from different ...
Kohler, F.K., Schaller, C., Klemm, O. (2022) Quantification of Urban Methane Emissions: A Combination of Stationary with Mobile Measurements. Atmosphere 13, 1596 ...
The courses are arranged according to the levels of the Common European Framework of Languages (CEFR). Level A1.1 refers to a course for absolute beginners, C1 is the highest level we offer. Your ...
Kohler, F.K., Schaller, C., Klemm, O. (2022) Quantification of Urban Methane Emissions: A Combination of Stationary with Mobile Measurements. Atmosphere 13, 1596 ...
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Am Institut für Sportwissenschaft der Universität Münster startet im November 2024 ein neuer Zertifikatslehrgang „Bewegung, Spiel und Sport in der Ganztagsschule“. Die 60 Lerneinheiten umfassende ...
eLab ist der neue Service der Uni Münster zur Nutzung von elektronischen Laborbüchern, betrieben von ULB und dem dort angesiedelten Service Center for Data Management. Mithilfe von eLab können ...
Mit seinen 48.000 Einwohnerinnen und Einwohnern ist Empoli eine von vielen wunderschönen Städtchen in der sonnigen Toskana. Am Arno und der Elsa gelegen, befindet sie sich nur ca. 35 Minuten von der ...
Eine Anmeldung per Mail wird erbeten: [email protected] ...