Tjenesten for installasjon av administrerte Apper for iOS, Android og delvis på Mac er rammet av feil. Dette fører til at installasjon av apper fra Intelligent HUB vil feile. Dette gjelder i hovedsak ...
Vi opplever for tiden tekniske problemer med Office-suiten på nett. Brukere blir møtt med en ødelagt side som periodisk oppdaterer seg selv, og etterpå omdirigeres de tilbake til 2FA-verifiseringen.
Unsustainable consumption patterns and the upwards spiraling resource use embedded in these are at the core of the world’s sustainability challenges. And while overconsumption has been on political ...
Inntil 4 timer forelesning (to dobbeltimer) per uke. Det kreves gjennomføring og godkjenning av en større prosjektoppgave i gruppe, samt innlevering av obligatoriske oppgaver som må godkjennes for å ...
4 timer forelesning og åpen gruppeundervisning hver uke hele semesteret. Gruppeundervisningen er basert på stor grad av egenaktivitet fra studentene. Tilbudet i antall grupper kan justeres underveis i ...
The course introduces basic programming in the Python programming language. The programming themes are illustrated in a series of mathematical examples. The mathematical themes are synchronized with ...
The course will provide knowledge in different uses of parallelism in a multi-core computer and especially provide insight into how and when Java can be used to develop parallel programs which can be ...
The course focus on core concepts related to international community health. The emphasis is on understanding and appraising global community health challenges and examining how these relates to ...
This course provides an overview of American history, culture, politics, and contemporary society. It traces major developments and changes from the pre-Columbian period to the present. It will ...
Violent conflict and the systematic (often violent) violation of human rights remain a pervasive feature of international politics. Yet the forms in which political violence occurs and the ...
Combining various data sources and other types of information is becoming increasingly important in various types of analyses. Certain classes of Bayesian hierarchical models have shown to be ...
Nanochemistry combine chemical and solid-state chemistry toward synthesis and characterization of building blocks that depends on size, shape (faceting), surface, defects and chemical composition to ...