I’m teaching Edinburgh’s undergraduate Axiomatic Set Theory course, and the axioms we’re using are Lawvere’s Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets — with the twist that everything’s going to be ...
In Part 1, I explained my hopes that classical statistical mechanics reduces to thermodynamics in the limit where Boltzmann’s constant k k approaches zero. In Part 2, I explained exactly what I mean ...
I’m trying to work out how classical statistical mechanics can reduce to thermodynamics in a certain limit. I sketched out the game plan in Part 1 but there are a lot of details to hammer out. While I ...
A physical framework often depends on some physical constants that we can imagine varying, and in some limit one framework may reduce to another. This suggests that we should study a ‘moduli space’ or ...
This is the homepage for the UT Geometry and Quantum Field Theory Seminar. At the organizational meeting we will flesh out the details of our plans for the semester. Below are some suggestions to get ...
Sep 9, 2024 To see classical thermodynamics as a limit of classical statistical mechanics, we want to see the Legendre transform as the limit of some quantity related to a Laplace transform. Here’s a ...
A. Perez-Lona, D. Robbins, E. Sharpe, T. Vandermeulen, X. Yu, “Notes on gauging noninvertible symmetries, part 1: Multiplicity-free cases” A. Perez-Lona, D ...
Sep 12, 2024 16:26 “[Inversion problem, Legendre transform and inviscid Burgers’ equations][1]” by Wenhua Zhao relates compositional inversion to the Legendre transform. See the ... Sep 10, 2024 03:32 ...
organized by Zoran Škoda and Igor Baković.