Anime's next hit romcom is an endearing story about a shy girl and a confident boy. A simple premise, sure—but the trailer ...
Security researchers have confirmed how a 9.8 severity vulnerability was used in a zero-click cyber attack chain by Russian ...
Looking for a rom-com to snuggle up and watch this festive season? Look no further than the 2020 film that's been dubbed ...
RomCom exploits Firefox and Windows zero-day flaws to deliver malware via fake websites in Europe and North America.
ESET Research details the analysis of a previously unknown vulnerability in Mozilla products exploited in the wild and ...
Russian-based RomCom cybercrime group chained two zero-day vulnerabilities in recent attacks targeting Firefox and Tor ...
The no-click exploit launched in October infected computers in Europe and North America with the RomCom backdoor when victims ...
The Russia-aligned RomCom gang exploited the vulnerabilities to target hundreds of Firefox users across Europe and North ...
Did you know that Lindsay Lohan has a new Christmas-themed romantic comedy out on Netflix? It’s true. The movie is called Our ...