Already, Merz has pledged to increase defense spending and put Paris, Warsaw, and London at the lead of a new policy to shore ...
Dario Seifert hat im nordöstlichsten Wahlkreis Deutschlands für die AfD den Sitz geholt. Weshalb gelang ihm ausgerechnet hier ...
Negotiators from German election winner Friedrich Merz's conservative bloc and the center-left Social Democrats have started ...
Friedrich Merz, the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and soon to be chancellor of Germany, announced ...
Paul Hockenos is a journalist and author based in Berlin. His most recent book is “Berlin Calling: A Story of Anarchy, Music, ...
Nach der verheerenden Niederlage bei der Bundestagswahl ringt die SPD um ihre Zukunft: um eine neue Programmatik, um Posten ...
CDU celebrations are muted because a 28.52pc vote share means a weaker negotiating position in coalition with the centre-Left ...
The surging far-right is a symptom of a world slipping out of progressive control – and comprehension.
However, reunification in 1990 allowed Angela Merkel, the East German daughter of a protestant pastor, to enter politics and ...
Wer berät den künftigen Kanzler, auf wen verlässt er sich – und welche Rolle spielt seine Frau dabei? Ein Überblick über die ...
And overwhelmingly it has been brought about by allowing millions of Muslims into the West who have no desire to fit in, but ...
From Danijel Višević, General Partner, World Fund, Former communications adviser to chancellor Angela Merkel, Berlin, Germany ...