The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the very back of the inside of the eyeball. The retina contains millions of cells that perceive light, color, and fine details in the things you see. A ...
Johns Hopkins Medicine. The thyroid gland. Prakash, Rajini T, Ramachandran A, Savalgi GB, Venkata SP, Mokhasi V. Variations in the anatomy of the thyroid gland: clinical implications of a cadaver ...
The American Sycamore Tree (Platanus occidentalis) is a classic beauty and fast growing. For evergreen foliage, it's hard to beat the Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) which, as you might guess ...
which retards the growth of nearly all forest trees, for some unknown reason invigorates the plane (Platanus orientalis Linn., P. occidentalis, P.
A large, vigorous, broadly columnar tree, to 25m, with flaking brown, grey and cream bark and bright green, sycamore-like leaves with three or five, pointed lobes. Inconspicuous flowers are followed ...