New research suggests that increased activity in the brain's amygdala during pregnancy may indicate a higher risk of postpartum depression.
They analyzed T1-weighted and diffusion MRI scans to study the whole brain and ... ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) ...
Around 80% of women suffer from "baby blues" after the birth of their child. Normally this is a brief period of feeling down ...
Vitamin D is linked to a 34% reduction in the relative risk for disease activity in patients with clinically isolated ...
A novel artificial intelligence approach can generate 3D brain MRI images using semantic segmentation masks, offering a ...
New materials developed by researchers at the Technion are expected to significantly improve the performance of MRI scans ...
Highly effective MS treatments like monoclonal antibodies and immune-suppressing drugs “may lead to better clinical outcomes ...
Early, aggressive treatment of brain lesions caused by multiple sclerosis could help ward off faster decline in patients, a ...
For a long time, the claim has been made that the brains of conservative people are different than those of progressives.
During the pregnancy and for two years after she gave birth, they continued doing MRI brain scans and drawing blood to observe how her brain changed as sex hormones like estrogen ebbed and flowed.
Researchers have previously taken images of pregnant women's brains, but these can miss temporary changes in the brain that go back to normal by the time the woman gives birth. These new scans could ...
Jacobs and colleagues conducted 26 MRI scans and blood tests on the first-time mother, then compared them with brain changes observed in eight control participants who weren’t pregnant.