The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that also disturbing to the residents is the report that Alau Dam, now filled, will be opened to discharge the excess water into the river at any moment.
That horrific event spurred Thompson and many other Yurok, Karuk, Hupa and Klamath Tribes people to lead a two-decade campaign to save the Klamath River from death. Their solution: Remove four dams ...
a fisherman on the Columbia River and a member of the Yakama Nation. “I’m sure as hell not going to get my hopes up.” Water flows out of the Bonneville Dam along the Columbia River between Multnomah ...
The Klamath River is free of four huge dams for the first time in generations. But for the Yurok tribe, the river's restoration is only just beginning – starting with 18 billion seeds.
PHOENIX – The last of the four dams that nearly destroyed salmon populations on the Klamath River at the California-Oregon border was demolished last week, marking a significant victory for ...
after crews last week demolished the last of the four dams on the Klamath River. It’s a significant win for tribal nations on the Oregon-California border who for decades have fought to restore ...