Australians have often gone to great lengths to see their favourite sporting teams, even back in the 1860s. This is evidenced ...
We often don’t realise we’re living through a major historical moment until the time has passed. The pandemic we find ourselves in now is one such historical moment. Dr Chris Wallace and Professor ...
Join us and VIP reader Gabby Millgate online for National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) as we head into the world of Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas. Every year, the Australian Library and ...
The internet is a valuable aid to research into family history. Australian websites contain a variety of information relating to family history and genealogy including guides, indexes and digitised ...
I am pleased to present The National Library of Australia Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2024-2026. The goals and actions of this Plan align with our purpose of providing access to the rich ...
On Friday 19th April, the President of the Myer Foundation, Rupert Myer AO, delivered the keynote speech at the Library’s 2024 Patron Dinner. In it, he reflected on the role of libraries: They are ...