Materials are crucial to modern technology, especially those used in extreme environments like nuclear energy systems and ...
Researchers from Vanderbilt University, San Diego State University, University of Denver, and University of Georgia have ...
The Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS) of the European Space Agency (ESA) was sent on its journey to a polar orbit 600 km above ...
Researchers have developed a tool that provides new insights into cause-and-effect relationships between cells and how these ...
Ducks are still commonly killed with lead shot in England despite a ban and voluntary moves by shooting groups, research ...
Many human activities release pollutants into the air, water and soil. These harmful chemicals threaten the health of both ...
"What got you into astrophysics?" It's a question I'm often asked at outreach events, and I answer by pointing to my early ...
For decades, schools have allowed children to advance to the next grade even when they're not reading at grade level. But ...
Since the 1960s and the election of President John F. Kennedy, younger voters have supported Democratic candidates, while ...
Education is the bedrock of a just and diverse society, but only if it is equitable and inclusive. To foster an inclusive ...
Researchers have just published their findings on the analysis of economic activities over a century of urban growth in the ...