"Moana 2," the follow-up to the successful Disney (DIS) animated movie, dominated the holiday weekend box office, raking in $221 million in domestic ticket sales, according to Box Office Mojo, setting ...
LOS ANGELES >> Walt Disney’s animated musical “Moana 2” debuted with an estimated $368 million in global ticket sales through ...
By Dawn Chmielewski and Lisa Richwine LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -Walt Disney's animated musical "Moana 2" debuted with an ...
The Thanksgiving stretch is delivering an unprecedented estimated $420M at the domestic box office, that’s according to ...
The Thanksgiving stretch is delivering an unprecedented and estimated $422M at the domestic box office. AMC Theatres CEO Adam ...
Musical adaptation "Wicked" and action epic "Gladiator II" generated a combined $25.7 million from early screenings in the ...
Now, all eyes are on Monday, when the final numbers will roll in. But Moana 2 and Wicked will create some new records, for ...
We recently published a list of Jim Cramer Is Talking About These 10 Stocks Heading Into December. In this article, we are ...