An effort to understand Earth’s past climates uncovered a history of wild temperature shifts and offered a warning on the ...
New York City Climate Week and United Nations General Assembly that's just about to start are emphasizing how to generate ...
But climate change is disrupting the patterns of rain that made this way of life possible. Sheik Don Ismail told us he lost ...
A team of researchers with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is looking at how to stop weeds in their tracks as they become ...
Northern Nigeria's city of Maiduguri has been hit by devastating flooding. But is it due to government neglect or climate ...
Governments and industries are pouring billions of dollars into so-called “regenerative agriculture.” But while scientists ...
The United Nations chief is urging the world’s divided nations to compromise and approve a blueprint to address global ...
Brad Pilgrim, chief executive officer of Parity, said “climate resilience is not just a checkbox” for many of the home and ...
“Climate anxiety can’t be limited to just a clinical setting — we have to take it out of the therapy room and look at it through a lens of privilege, and power, and the economic, historical and social ...
Panelists met in Hollywood to discuss the cascading effects of climate change, which panelists say have created an environmental and economic disaster for the region.
But climate change is disrupting the patterns of ... And drought isn't the only problem here. Last year Somalia experienced terrible floods as a result of rains scientists say were made twice ...