The Schomburg Center is celebrating its 100th anniversary while preserving more than 11 million items in the archive.
History of the Schomburg Center Namesake Arturo Schomburg and Catherine Latimer, the first Black woman hired by the New York Public Library, started the research institute together 100 years ago ...
Catherine Latimer (NYPL’s first Black librarian), Miss Lipscomb, Lawrence Reddick, and Roberta Thompson at the 135th Street Library in 1945 Named in 1940 after Arturo Schomburg, a Puerto Rican ...
The center's namesake, Arturo Schomburg, dedicated his life to collecting physical proof of Black achievement, to prove wrong a schoolteacher in his hometown of San Juan, Puerto Rico, who told him ...
In the Virgin Islands and on Puerto Rican soil over 100 years ago, a child was born who gave his contribution to Black history. His name was Arthur A. Schomburg, born in 1874 to Mary Joseph, a woman ...
Dr Arturo Schomburg, another great intellectual and African American historian, famously told Dr Clarke that he better go and study his “enemy” and find out why the enemy wrote him out of history.