"Little House on the Prairie," the beloved book series and television show that dramatized life in the American West, is headed for a reboot. Netflix announced Wednesday that, 50 years after it first premiered,
After Megyn Kelly threatened to "ruin" Netflix's upcoming 'Little House on the Prairie' reboot if they "woke-ify" it, Melissa Gilbert responded.
A "Little House on the Prairie" alum shut down Megyn Kelly's concerns that Netflix will "wokeify" a reboot of the series.
Sonnenshine is the executive producer and showrunner of the new Little House on the Prairie reboot at Netflix. Per IMDb, among her producing credits are Bunny (2000), Reversion (2008), The Vampire Diaries, Outcast, The Crossing, Archive 81 and The Boys.
Netflix is planning a reboot of the “Little House on the Prairie” series that was based on the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It’s an historic intellectual property with modern appeal, given that Nielsen recently revealed the 50-year-old television series had 13.3 billion minutes of viewing time on Peacock last year.
Get ready to head back to the world of "Little House on the Prairie" with a new adaptation of Laura Ingalls Wilder's beloved book series.
Original “Little House on the Prairie” star Melissa Gilbert fired back at Megyn Kelly over a comment the former Fox News host made about Netflix’s upcoming adaptation of the classic book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
The streaming service is rebooting the long-deceased family frontier drama in what could be a new dawn for discarded TV shows of the 70s and 80s.
The podcast host warned the streaming service not to politicize its adaptation of “Little House on the Prairie.”
Jan. 30 (UPI) -- A remake of the classic family drama Little House on the Prairie is in the works at Netflix. No casting has been announced yet. Rebecca Sonnenshine -- whose credits include The Boys and Vampire Diaries -- will serve as showrunner.
The series will be a revised version of Laura Ingalls Wilder's iconic 1930s book series, and Rebecca Sonnenshine will serve as showrunner.