The Israelites had two enemies in the days of Moses: the Egyptians and the Amalekites. The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites. They turned them into a forced labour colony. They oppressed them. Pharaoh ...
Authority cartoons cheered Bin Laden, mocked the US, and presented Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims as the true victims of ...
What becomes clearer after the constant refrain from politicians of their support for Jews in America is that their declarations and actions are not just about protecting Jewish communities – though ...
Rav Moshe Shternbuch, zt”l, zy”a, urges us to get moving with our Elul pursuits as early and as quickly as possible. He compares it to a wedding. If you go early, the baalei simcha, the celebrants ...
Rectal cancer comprises some 25 percent of colon cancer cases and is usually discovered when it is in a locally advanced state.
Over 700 orphans and more than 4,000 of their family members came out to Israel’s Superland amusement park this week to celebrate their Bar and Bat Mitzvah. The annual event was sponsored by Israel’s ...
New York probably has one of the biggest Jewish populations in the country and [an Israel tent] would make a lot of sense, State Senator Rachel May (D - Syracuse) told The Jewish Press.
Kipnis was a leading pioneer of the Diaspora-negating Zionist narrative and one of its most active proponents, and much of his work was purposely designed to replace Diasporan poems, stories, narrativ ...
The Israeli Agency COGAT (Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories: Judea and Samaria and towards the Gaza Strip) slammed Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works ...
Guterres equated the Hamas with Israel and came as close as he could get to justifying Hamas’s horrifying crimes without saying outright that Israel deserved it.
The decision to bring the Roosevelt home is due in part to the lengthening war between Israel and surrounding Iranian proxies.
"The last time I was airborne, I had just been shot, and was being airlifted by helicopter to Soroka hospital." ...