Unsustainable consumption patterns and the upwards spiraling resource use embedded in these are at the core of the world’s sustainability challenges. And while overconsumption has been on political ...
The course will provide knowledge in different uses of parallelism in a multi-core computer and especially provide insight into how and when Java can be used to develop parallel programs which can be ...
The course introduces basic programming in the Python programming language. The programming themes are illustrated in a series of mathematical examples. The mathematical themes are synchronized with ...
Violent conflict and the systematic (often violent) violation of human rights remain a pervasive feature of international politics. Yet the forms in which political violence occurs and the ...
This course gives a basic introduction to machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). Through an algorithmic approach, the students are given a practical understanding of the methods being ...
The course focus on core concepts related to international community health. The emphasis is on understanding and appraising global community health challenges and examining how these relates to ...
The course introduces the condensed matter physics on a broad basis. The main objective is to provide an overview of different types of materials and illustrate how their properties depend on the ...
This course provides an introduction to anthropological perspectives on Japan. Through reading and discussing recent ethnographic works, we will explore key themes for understanding contemporary Japan ...
The course introduces a variety of central algorithms and methods essential for studies of statistical data analysis and machine learning. The course is project-based and through the various projects, ...
Sustainable development is the red thread throughout this course. The course builds on the principle of sustainable development and analyses how it is reflected in main international treaties on the ...
This course is about database systems, focusing on relational databases. It covers advanced use of such systems, including advanced SQL, SQL query optimization, and use of indexes. The course also ...
Nanochemistry combine chemical and solid-state chemistry toward synthesis and characterization of building blocks that depends on size, shape (faceting), surface, defects and chemical composition to ...