Maryland has few avenues to compel motorists who skirt state vehicle registration law to fix their registrations.
Dana Schrad, executive director of the Virginia Association of ... The bill would put into law the current standard policies that license plate readers can be used only in active criminal ...
Virginia has revoked specialty license plates featuring a Confederate battle flag after a federal judge dissolved an injunction allowing the image. The Department of Motor Vehicles will begin ...
Despite near defeat and intense debate, a proposal to regulate automated license plate readers is still alive in Virginia’s General Assembly — though not without significant revisions and ...
RICHMOND, Va. — Facing a looming ... Glenn Youngkin before the current session ends on Saturday. What do you think about the rules surrounding license plate readers? Email the CBS 6 Newsroom.
With the recently completed session of the General Assembly, the governor now has a truckload of legislation to consider for ...
House Bill 2724 would set rules — the first in Virginia law — about who can see and use data from license plate readers, which police use to track vehicles involved in crimes, including child ...