Bobby Farrelly's Dear Santa is a Christmas comedy film starring famous musician and actor Jack Black alongside Keegan Michael ...
As of now, the majority of their films star either Jack Black, Jim Carrey, or Ben Stiller. Which prompts the question: Who is the ultimate Farrelly leading man? Now, there are some good ...
Ben Stiller is unsure if he would have made "Tropic Thunder" in today's Hollywood. The actor noted "edgier comedy" is harder ...
Ben Stiller, known for his roles in Zoolander and Madagascar, seems unapologetic about making the film, after some social ...
Zoolander’ star previously shared his support of Vice President Kamala Harris, saying he was ‘excited about moving forward’ ...
Having Jack Black and Ben Stiller in a comedy feels just like old times. While the latter makes only a brief appearance, it’s ...